Change the application name in Flutter
Hi, It's my first post in 2020. Oh!! world is full of corana virus thread and peoples are worrying about to go outside, Hope It's solve soon. Will pray the god for give a strength to us and protect from all disease. Hope we're blessed.
Let's kick start the flutter, World talking about flutter over last few years, now It's almost got so stable and good.
First of all, we need to change the application name. For android and IOS, mostly peoples know, where to change.
In Flutter, It's bit different and not difficult.
To changing the app name,
For Android:
Open AndroidManifest.xml -> from android folder and change the label name.
For IOS:
Open info.plist -> located at ios/Runner
Don't forget to run flutter clean
Let's kick start the flutter, World talking about flutter over last few years, now It's almost got so stable and good.
First of all, we need to change the application name. For android and IOS, mostly peoples know, where to change.
In Flutter, It's bit different and not difficult.
To changing the app name,
For Android:
Open AndroidManifest.xml -> from android folder and change the label name.
For IOS:
Open info.plist -> located at ios/Runner
Don't forget to run flutter clean