change the app icon in flutter - part 2
Previously, I already given an idea about how to change the app icon.
Now this is new way,
Please be choose high resolution icon, at least of 256*256 size.
Drag your app icon into
there choose the icon for iphone and android devices,
It's automatically generate the icons for android and icons as complete zip file.
For android, you can collectively get the mipmap folder, replace it in android folder in your flutter project. In AndroidManifest.xml apply app icon.
For IOS, AppIcon.appiconset folder, paste the entire directory into your flutter project -> ios -> Runner -> Assets.xcassets
If any of app directory already exists in android or ios folders, please remove or replace it with our new icons sets which we got from
Now this is new way,
Please be choose high resolution icon, at least of 256*256 size.
Drag your app icon into
there choose the icon for iphone and android devices,
It's automatically generate the icons for android and icons as complete zip file.
For android, you can collectively get the mipmap folder, replace it in android folder in your flutter project. In AndroidManifest.xml apply app icon.
For IOS, AppIcon.appiconset folder, paste the entire directory into your flutter project -> ios -> Runner -> Assets.xcassets
If any of app directory already exists in android or ios folders, please remove or replace it with our new icons sets which we got from