Check Device is JailBroken or Rooted

Jailbroken and rooted devices are very important in app development for a number of reasons:

Testing apps on a variety of devices and configurations: Jailbroken and rooted devices allow developers to test their apps on a wider range of devices and configurations than would be possible with official firmware. This is important because it helps to ensure that apps are compatible with a wider range of users.

Debugging apps: Jailbroken and rooted devices give developers access to system logs and other diagnostic tools that can be used to debug their apps. This can be very helpful for identifying and fixing bugs.

Developing apps that require root or jailbreak permissions: Some apps require root or jailbreak permissions in order to function. For example, an app that needs to modify system files or access low-level system resources will need to be rooted or jailbroken.

Reverse engineering other apps: Jailbroken and rooted devices allow developers to reverse engineer other apps. This can be useful for learning about how other apps work, and for developing new features for their own apps.

Here are some specific examples of how jailbroken and rooted devices are used in app development:

Game developers: Game developers often use jailbroken and rooted devices to test their games on a variety of devices and configurations. They also use them to debug their games and to develop new features.

Security researchers: Security researchers use jailbroken and rooted devices to find vulnerabilities in apps and operating systems. They also use them to develop new security tools.

App developers who want to create custom apps: Some app developers want to create custom apps that require root or jailbreak permissions. For example, an app that needs to modify system files or access low-level system resources will need to be rooted or jailbroken.

Overall, jailbroken and rooted devices are very important tools for app developers. They allow developers to test, debug, and develop apps that would not be possible with official firmware.

It is important to note that jailbreaking and rooting devices can be risky. It can void your warranty and it can make your device more vulnerable to attack. However, for app developers, the benefits of jailbreaking and rooting devices often outweigh the risks.

In android or ios, by natively we gonna test the device is rooted or jailbroken. 

In flutter, there is some dependencies there to achieve this.

Use safe_device or flutter_jailbreak_detection.


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